Messages meaning in people
- same meaning but different words
- same thing but different meanings
Messages are denotative and connotative
Denotative - mean dictionary meaning
Connotative - mean emotional meaning
Meaning depend on context / abstraction
- words can be different meaning
Messages vary in politeness
- Politeness vs Impoliteness
- Directness vs Indirectness
Messages vary in assertivenss
- speaks their mind and welcome others doing likewise
Communicating assertiveness
- Describe the problem
- State how this problem affects you
- Propose solutions
- Confirm understanding
Mesages can deceive
- an intention of giving false messages
Types of lies
- Pro-social deception
- Self-enhancement deception
- Selfish deception
- Anti-social deception
Disconfirmation and confirmation
Disconfirmation - ignore someone messages
Confirmaton - acknowledge somenone messages
Area affected by disconfirmation and disconfirmation
- Racism
- Sexism
- Hetero-sexism
- Ageism
Interesting and engaging post. Each point you mentioned is noteworthy. thanks for sharing. I enjoyed reading your post.